Acoustics FAQ


Highly reverberant room, sometimes interpreted as an “Echo” effect within the room in which the room mainly consist of too much reflective surfaces, causing speech and listening quality to be unclear.

Intrusive noise & noise disturbance, examples of these would be noise disturbance intruding a space or noise disturbance caused to others from a space.

Room that is overly quiet, this is a fairly common issue that is often overlooked by many, an example of this would be an awkwardly quiet space that every single noise is audible such as a conversation from across the room, turning of a paper page, or even a pin drop.



Acoustical quality is often defined by the listening quality of the space, from theaters, auditoriums, offices, entertainment rooms, cinemas, gyms.

With the different usage applications of these spaces, they require a unique acoustical properties of their own to deliver proper acoustical quality for their users.

In most cases, the major contributing elements to the acoustic design of a room space would be the finishing of ceilings, walls & floors.

Loose furniture placed within the room would also contribute to the acoustical quality within, these can provide acoustical improvements as well as a negatively effecting the acoustical quality.




These are some of the most common acoustical problems that are faced by many room spaces which they each require a unique acoustical treatment methods to improve the listening quality.

A good acoustical design of a room would provide it’s users with the most suited listening environment, some of which may require a balanced application of acoustical absorption treatment, noise isolation, noise level balancing, and more.

However, the utmost importance to a great acoustical design is to provide a truly comfortable listening room space for the users.